
Cancer Politics

"When President Nixon launched the war on cancer in 1971, the cancer establishment seized the opportunity to pursue its own narrow self-interest.  Its policies and strategies on cancer continue to ignore the essential steps required to wage an effective battle against the disease and remain based on two myths: First, that there has been dramatic progress in the treatment and cure of cancer.  Second, that any increase in cancer incidence and mortality is due to an aging population and smoking—discounting evidence that occupational exposures and urban air pollution are also implicated in many cases of lung cancer — while denying any significant role for involuntary and avoidable exposures to industrial carcinogens."    Samuel Epstein, M.D. and Liza Gross

Alternative cancer treatments are controversial.  There are no easy answers, so do your own research, and consult your doctor(s). does not endorse any particular treatment mentioned in the articles presented here.


Cancer Undefeated
The New England Journal of Medicine - May 29, 1997
"The war against cancer is far from over. Observed changes in mortality due to cancer primarily reflect changing incidence or early detection. The effect of new treatments for cancer on mortality has been largely disappointing. The most promising approach to the control of cancer is a national commitment to prevention, with a concomitant rebalancing of the focus and funding of research."

Behind the Good News on Cancer, There's the Same Old Bad News
by H. Gilbert Welch, M.D.
"Five-year survival rates will increase over time, even if death rates don't change, simply because we are telling people they have cancer earlier in their lives and because we are finding more nonprogressive cancer."

Are Increasing 5-Year Survival Rates Evidence of Success Against Cancer?
by H. Gilbert Welch, M.D.
"Although 5-year survival is a valid measure for comparing cancer therapies in a randomized trial, our analysis shows that changes in 5-year survival over time bear little relationship to changes in cancer mortality.  Instead, they appear primarily related to changing patterns of diagnosis."

Are We Hunting Too Hard?
by Jennifer Durgin
"What if getting screened for cancer and finding cancer ever-earlier does not save lives?  What if too much probing does more harm than good?  Several Dartmouth Medical School physicians have been asking provocative questions like these for more than a decade."

The Cancer Business
by Patrick Rattigan N.D.
"The cancer research fund-raisers' definition of cancer cure is the apparent lack of symptoms for five years.  If, or when, a patient dies a year or two after the five years, from the effects of the treatment, they remain in the 'cure' statistics: cured and dead at the same time."

How Scientific Are Orthodox Cancer Treatments?
by Walter Last
"Common ways to make medical statistics look more favorable are as follows.  Patients who die during prolonged treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy are not counted in the statistics, because they did not receive the full treatment.  In the control group everyone who dies is counted.  Further, success is judged by the percentage of temporary tumor shrinking, regardless of survival times; if survival is measured, then only in terms of dying from the treated disease.  It is not normally shown how many of the patients die due to the treatment itself. "

Interview with Randall Fitzgerald, author of The Hundred-Year Lie, on the Prevalence of Toxic Chemicals
"There is a myth that people are living longer because they are healthier.  In actuality, what I have found is that, on average, people are living longer because of technology.  Technology in the form of kidney dialysis machines.  Technology in the form of heart pacemakers. Technology in many forms that are, indeed, extending people's lives.  However, what I also found is that this life extension doesn't translate into healthier lives.  Just the opposite.  We may be living longer because of technology, but the quality of our life, the quality of our health, has deteriorated markedly since World War II.  A big reason for that is the premise, a foundation on which the Hundred-Year Lie book is based, which is that synthetic chemicals have alarmingly and rapidly led to the degeneration of our health."

We Are Losing the Winnable War Against Cancer
by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
"The policies and priorities of the cancer establishment are narrowly fixated on damage control - diagnosis and treatment - and basic molecular research with, not always benign, indifference to cancer prevention."

The Thirty Years' War
by Jerome Groopman, M.D.
"If Americans are unwilling to reject the national mythology of cancer, it may be because they fear that the only alternative is despair.  That fear can be tempered by the rapid pace and diversity of new discoveries in science and technology that are influencing every dimension of cancer research.  Of course, it is impossible to say which type of currently intractable cancer will be cured first.  In the next ten years, the survival rate of people with a certain type of melanoma or lung tumor or lymphoma or breast cancer may not change.  But it also might improve by fifty per cent, or ninety per cent.  Because of the uncertainty inherent in scientific discovery, there is simply no way of knowing.  Paradoxically, for cancer patients and their families this inability to predict the future becomes their sustaining hope."

How Cancer Politics Have Kept You in the Dark Regarding Successful Alternatives
by John Diamond, M.D, Lee Cowden, M.D.
"A powerful conglomerate of government agencies, international drug companies, and major cancer treatment hospitals puts profits first. They do not want the public to learn about and pursue effective alternatives. The result is that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are the law of the land as cancer treatments - for political, not therapeutic, reasons."

A Cancer in the System
by George Monbiot
"So it’s perplexing to discover that cancer in industrialised countries is not falling, but rising.  While lung, cervical, uterine and stomach cancers are declining, and treatments for testicular cancer and childhood leukaemia have greatly improved, cancer overall has increased by 60% per cent in the last 50 years.  Breast cancer has almost doubled. Prostate cancer has risen by 200%, testicular cancer in young men by 300%."

Cancer Charities Indicted for Losing the Winnable War Against Cancer
Press Conference, London September 13, 1999
by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
"The major charities have close interlocking interests with the cancer drug, chemotherapy and gene therapy, industries. These charities receive substantial funding from the drug industries and operate as multimillion pound corporations fronting for these industries."

British Cancer Charities Shirking Responsibility
by Martin J Walker
"For cancer ‘research’ in Britain is a misnomer. As science and medicine have become increasingly interlocked with industry, the motivation, initiative and funding for preventative cancer research has all but dried up. Throughout the post-war years in Britain, industry, government and science have tried to tackle the cancer epidemic by searching for miracle cures rather than investigating causes; by playing with gene sequencers rather than looking at environmental pollution; and by taking industry’s money rather than looking at its record. The conclusion today is inescapable: Britain’s cancer research charities are part of the problem, not the solution."

Why We're Losing the War on Cancer (And How To Win It)
by Clifton Leaf
from Fortune Magazine
"Virtually all these experts offered testimony that, when taken together, describes a dysfunctional "cancer culture" — a groupthink that pushes tens of thousands of physicians and scientists toward the goal of finding the tiniest improvements in treatment rather than genuine breakthroughs; that fosters isolated (and redundant) problem solving instead of cooperation; and rewards academic achievement and publication over all else."

Cancer Epidemic
by Patrick Rattigan, N.D.
"There has been no significant increase in survival rates since records began."

"The cancer epidemic has many causative components; virtually all of them either actively promoted by or ignored by the government health departments, the medical trade etc."

Cancer Industry Spreads Fear and Disinformation
by Mike Adams
"He says, 'There is not good evidence that any complementary treatment can prevent cancer.'  This sort of statement borders on the most ignorant statement I've ever heard from anyone in modern medicine -- and believe me, there's a lot of competition for that designation.  An analysis of 32 websites is abysmal in terms of looking at the vast amount of information available on the internet, and what's very clear is that this is a campaign of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) initiated by purveyors of modern medicine in order to scare people away from finding information about cancer on the internet."

"What's amazing about all this is the level of ignorance demonstrated by this person and by the industry in general when they say there is no evidence that any complementary treatment can prevent cancer.  In fact, he has it completely wrong. There is a tremendous amount of evidence if a person bothers to look for it.  And much of that evidence is published in traditional medical journals -- peer- reviewed journals that are available throughout the world.  For example, there is compelling evidence showing nutritional approaches to both preventing and reversing cancer."

Monsanto and Fox: Partners in Censorship
by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber
"The Florida dispute offers a rare look inside the newsroom at the way stories get spun and censored.  It is also cracks the facade that Monsanto has erected through a highly effective, multi-million-dollar PR offensive aimed at preventing the news media from reporting the views of rBGH critics."

Cancer Facts & Betrayals
by Burton Goldberg
"However, the fatal mistake was placing OAM (Office of Alternative Medicine) within the NIH.  This is like asking the fox to guard the chicken coop.  How can NIH, dedicated to conventional methods, objectively oversee the investigation of alternatives?  What NIH can oversee quite skillfully is the adulteration, perversion, and ruin of a publicly-funded office that was supposed to fairly inform the taxpayer about new and alternative treatments for disease."

Propaganda in the War on Cancer
from Alkalize For Health

Newsletter Trains Muckraking Eye on Cancer World
by Alexis Jetter
"Even those who have felt the publication's sting give it credit for energizing the sometimes stodgy cancer community."

U.S. Biomedical Research Under Siege
by Paul Nurse
"Biomedical research is still very strong in the U.S. but is under siege.  Unless this trend is corrected, science will be damaged by both stagnation in research funding and the failure of the political leadership to take science seriously."

Ex-Executive Backs Big Push to Get a Jump on Cancer
by By David P. Hamlton
"Canary is focused on new technology that could 'fingerprint' early tumors by scanning blood samples for unusual patterns of proteins or gene activity.  While scientists have tentatively identified many such fingerprints -- called 'biomarkers' -- few are ready to be used in diagnostic tests.

That's the problem that Mr. Listwin wants to tackle, approaching the task like a startup business.  Canary sets short-term goals and chooses researchers to work on them, often funding them with far less red tape than at traditional foundations."


The New War on Cancer: Against All Causes
by Mitchell L. Gaynor, M.D.
"Much of this "war" however, has focused only on treating the disease rather than studying the causes and preventing cases from arising.  But another statistic is also true: Cancer rates are increasing in almost every category."

"Something else is contributing to these risks, and based on much that we've learned in the last 10 years about the adverse interactions between chemicals and genetic makeup, environmental toxins are the most likely culprit."

Undisclosed Carcinogens in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Pose Avoidable Risks of Cancer
by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
"The FDA’s relaxed response reflects reckless regulatory abdication matched by unresponsiveness of mainstream industries."

The High Stakes of Cancer Prevention
by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. and Liza Gross
"The cancer establishment has a long history of trivializing or ignoring prevention initiatives while claiming major gains in the war on cancer.  Both the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) are fixated on damage control—screening, diagnosis, and treatment — and genetic research, and are largely indifferent to cancer prevention.  For the American Cancer Society, that indifference approaches outright hostility. What the cancer establishment calls prevention is more aptly described as a "blame-the-victim" approach, emphasizing poor lifestyle habits while down playing the role of avoidable exposures.

The cancer establishment has been most negligent in its failure to provide Congress, regulatory agencies, and the public with well-documented scientific evidence of known cancer risks. This information is essential for Congress if it is to protect the public by legislating or banning the addition of recognized carcinogens, from food additives to pesticides."   Recommended

Legislative Proposals for Reversing the Cancer Epidemic
by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.

Politics of Cancer
by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

The Preventable Cancer Epidemic
from the Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives
"While the medical profession and cancer research institutions attribute most of the cancer increase to genetic and lifestyle factors, the authors of a new CCPA study assert that carcinogens in our air, water, food, and workplaces are significant causes of cancer."

Early Cancer Detection Doesn't Always Give Patient an Advantage
by Sharon Begley
"'The improvement in long-term mortality may be due to the higher proportion of small or slow-growing tumors being detected, which means you start counting earlier,' says Dr. Jaffe.  That's why longer survival, measured from the time of diagnosis, is a misleading measure of progress against cancer, and no substitute for reductions in mortality."

The Cause And Prevention Of Cancer
by Walter Last
"There is a basic difference between conventional and natural medicine as to which chemicals are regarded as contributing to cancer.  The orthodoxy is only concerned about chemicals that have mutagenic properties, affecting the genetic material.  Natural medicine, on the other hand, regards all toxic chemicals as contributing to cancer.  For one thing, such chemicals tend to poison or weaken enzyme systems, liver and immune functions.  Not only agricultural chemicals and food additives contribute to this toxic assault, but also most medical drugs and chlorinated water. Chlorine reacts with organic impurities in water or with food or body tissue to form organo-chlorines, similar to DDT and other banned substances."

The Real Cause Of Cancer – And The Solution
by Vernon Coleman
"In addition to being the most intolerant, the modern cancer industry must surely be the least successful branch of medical science ever to have existed."

Cancer and its Biological Treatment
by Dr. Karl Horst Poehlmann
"Cancer is the result of accumulation of toxins in the body.  The aim of every biological treatment must therefore be the reduction of this toxicity and to avoid any further increase.  It is a general disease and the tumor is only a symptom.  Every therapy that only aims at the destruction of the tumor must be unsuccessful in the long run.  This is long proven by the discouraging results of conventional treatments."

The Hidden Cancer Epidemic
by William Faloon
"Genes regulate cell proliferation.  When genes become mutated, normal cell regulatory processes are disrupted.  If too many genes involved in regulating cell proliferation become mutated, the cells lose control over their own growth rate.  Cancer is a disease characterized by rapidly propagating cells that expand locally by invasion and systemically by metastasis.

Once one understands this basic concept, it becomes apparent that if we are to prevent cancer from developing in our bodies, every practical step must be taken to maintain gene integrity. Gene mutations can turn healthy cells into malignant cells.  As gene mutations accumulate, the risk of cancer sharply increases."

Curing What Ails Medicine
Interview with Michael Lerner
"Complementary and alternative medicine, for all its benefits, cannot address the degraded environment any more than mainstream clinical medicine can. The degraded environment is a public health issue.  The U.S. is not an island exempt from these trends. People are waking up to the reality that the struggle for a sustainable world is not just a struggle for the snail darter or the spotted owl.  It is a struggle for the health of our own families, for our personal health in powerfully direct ways."

Politics of Cancer on Democracy Now! Radio Program

Listen to radio programs on your computer.

Most Censored Story: Does the American Cancer Society Work to Prevent Cancer?
April 13th, 2000
Interview of Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.

The Politics of Cancer
May 11th, 2000
Interview of Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.

Criticism of the National Cancer Institute & the American Cancer Society

U.S. National Cancer Institute
from the Cancer Prevention Coalition
"The cancer establishment has a long history of trivializing or ignoring prevention initiatives while claiming major gains in the war on cancer."

U. S. National Cancer Institute: Hand in Hand with Industry
from the Cancer Prevention Coalition
Pharmaceutical Company Ties

U. S. National Cancer Institute: Indifference to Cancer Prevention
from the Cancer Prevention Coalition
"The cancer establishment has failed to warn the public, the media, Congress, and regulatory agencies of well-documented experimental evidence, based on carcinogenicity testing in mice and rats, on a wide range of avoidable risk factors or causes of cancer."

The Cancer Drug Industry 'March' Seriously Misleads the Nation
from the Cancer Prevention Coalition
"Rather than increasing NCI's budget, it should be frozen and held hostage to urgent needs for drastic monitored reforms directed to major emphasis on cancer prevention rather than damage control.  Furthermore, Congress should subject the cancer establishment/drug industry complex to detailed investigation and ongoing scrutiny."

Holding the National Cancer Institute Accountable for Cancer Deaths
by Burton Goldberg
"The NCI should be held accountable for 25 years of protracted, unrelieved opposition to genuine breakthroughs and for wasting $200 billion of taxpayer money on pharmaceutical drugs with little efficacy."

The American Cancer Society Is Threatening the National Cancer Program
from the Cancer Prevention Coalition
"These considerations clearly disqualify the ACS from any leadership role in the National Cancer Program.  The public should be encouraged to redirect funding away from the ACS to cancer prevention advocacy groups."

Is American Cancer Society More About Cancer Profit Or Cancer Prevention?
by Dani Veracity
"Unfortunately, the American Cancer Society's corporate entanglements, slippery priorities, and lack of vision may constrict this public agency from making any meaningful strides in the war against cancer."

New Research Shows Vitamin D Slashes Risk of Cancers by 77 Percent.
Cancer Industry Refuses to Support Cancer Prevention

by Mike Adams
"The ACS is the wealthiest non-profit in America and has very close ties to pharmaceutical companies, mammography equipment companies and other corporations that profit from cancer."

Criticism of Research
The Scandal of Poor Medical Research
Editorial reprinted from the British Medical Journal, January 1994,
"Huge sums of money are spent annually on research that is seriously flawed through the use of inappropriate designs, unrepresentative sample, small samples, incorrect methods of analysis, and faulty interpretation."

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
by John P. A. Ioannidis
"In this framework, a research finding is less likely to be true when the studies conducted in a field are smaller; when effect sizes are smaller; when there is a greater number and lesser preselection of tested relationships; where there is greater flexibility in designs, definitions, outcomes, and analytical modes; when there is greater financial and other interest and prejudice; and when more teams are involved in a scientific field in chase of statistical significance."

Bias in Recent Papers on Diets and Drugs in Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals
by Joel M. Kauffman, Ph.D.
"Examples are given to show that randomized, placebo-controlled trials are not free from bias and that the failure to include all-cause death rates can be extremely misleading, as can the use of relative risks in the absence of absolute risks.

Other examples show how the conclusions in an abstract may not agree with the data in the body of the paper, or do not tell the whole truth.  Still others use false surrogate endpoints or faulty trial protocols to favor a desired outcome.  The whole picture may be seen as a breakdown of the peer-review system."

Scope and Impact of Financial Conflicts of Interest in Biomedical Research
by Justin E. Bekelman, Yan Li, and Cary P. Gross, M.D.
"Conclusions: Financial relationships among industry, scientific investigators, and academic institutions are widespread.  Conflicts of interest arising from these ties can influence biomedical research in important ways. "

Corporate Money Co-Opts Nonprofit Groups
from Center for Science in the Public Interest
"Corporate financial support of many of the country’s most prominent health-related nonprofit organizations threatens the independence and credibility of such groups."

When Peer Review Produces Unsound Science
by Lawrence K. Altman, M.D.
"Despite its system of checks and balances, a number of errors, plagiarism and even outright fraud have slipped through it.  At the same time, the system has created a kind of Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval that gets stamped on research published in journals.  Although most research is solid, and in some cases groundbreaking, problems have persisted."

Criticism of Milk and Breast Cancer Study
by Robert Cohen
"Often times, the conclusions from published studies contradict their own data."

Supplements and Cancer Politics
Multivitamin Use and Risk of Prostate Cancer in the National Institutes of Health–AARP Diet and Health Study

Press Ignores Bias in Study of Multivitamins and Prostate Cancer
by Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman
"In light of the bias factors, it would not be correct, in our view, to conclude that supplements are necessarily the cause of the few extra cases of advanced prostate cancer."
See also discussion following this article.

Politics of Breast Cancer
Patient No More: the Politics of Breast Cancer
Book Review
by Dr. Clare Vaughan
"The commercialisation of cancer, with private ownership of ideas and promotion of profitable drugs, the effect of fraud in research, delay in the peer review process, and the prescriptive views of some cancer charities have all contributed to breast cancer becoming stolen property."

Breast Cancer Deception
by Sherrill Sellman
"When it comes to environmental toxicity, carcinogens found in pesticides, herbicides, plastics, and other toxic chemicals that are known to cause cancer -- especially breast cancer -- there is booming silence by all Breast Cancer Awareness Month programs."

Cancer and the Environment
It's About Prevention, It's About Time
Multi-part article.  Recommended.

Educational, Nutritional Programs Improve Wellbeing of Breast Cancer Survivors
from Women's Health Matters
"Women who receive an educational or nutritional intervention following the completion of their treatment for breast cancer are less likely to be depressed, and more likely to have a better quality of life than other breast cancer survivors, according to a study by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University."

Black Women More Likely to Die From Breast Cancer
"Black American women are 19 percent more likely than white women to die of breast cancer, a new study finds."

Minority Women at Higher Risk of Inadequate Treatment for Breast Cancer
from Breast Cancer Care and Research Fund
"Minority women were twice as likely as white women to experience underuse of adjuvant therapies. One in three black women and nearly one in four Hispanic women in the study did not receive appropriate adjuvant therapy.  In comparison, one in six white women experienced underuse.  Racial disparities were found in all three adjuvant therapies examined: radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery; chemotherapy for hormone receptor-negative tumors; and hormonal therapy for hormone receptor-positive tumors."

Black Women More Likely to Die From Breast Cancer
"Black American women are 19 percent more likely than white women to die of breast cancer, a new study finds."

The Business of Breast Cancer
by Laurie Tarkan
"After reading 'Breast Cancer: Society Shapes an Epidemic,' my heart went out to those hundreds of thousands of women who walk or run to raise funds for breast cancer and hold out hope that we are getting closer to preventing the disease altogether.

As the authors of this important collection of essays see it, these activists are just cogs in the misguided breast cancer industry wheel, raising funds that are ultimately directed -- misdirected, that is -- to the interests of big business rather than to those of women themselves.  These women will probably be discouraged to read that although progress has been made in treating breast cancer, we are not anywhere near finding the cause."

Pink Ribbon Blues
from Breast Cancer Action Montreal
"We think it's time that people understood the realities of this disease and its treatment, and pink ribbons are not getting us there," said (Barbara) Brenner.  "We are challenging the notion that companies can exploit disease for their profit while so many of us are getting sick, and we think it's time that stopped."

No More Pink Ribbons
from Black
"Beginning with this October let us use our brains.  Get rid of all the pink ribbons. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a scam.
The Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical Research has given us a warning:
'The next time you are asked to donate to a cancer organisation, bear in mind that your money will be used to sustain an industry which has been deemed by many eminent scientists as a qualified failure and by others as a complete fraud.' "

Pink is the New Black
by Ayelet Waldman
Peggy Orenstein "believes that by encouraging women to 'Shop for the Cure,' pink October cheapens the reality of breast cancer. 'It provides people with the illusion of activism in the place of real action.' "

Cancer, Inc.
by Sharon Batt & Liza Gross
"In other words, the people who bring you Breast Cancer Awareness Month tell you to find out if you already have the disease.  And they tell you to take personal responsibility for staving off what's become a scourge throughout the country.  What they go to great lengths to avoid telling you is what the country can do to help stop the scourge at its source."

Politics of Breast Cancer
from Breast Cancer Action
Frequently Asked Questions

The Politics of Breast Cancer
by Adrienne Boudreau
"Most notably, it is clear that breast cancer practices in Canada surrounding research, medical treatments, and the environment do not place the best interests of patients first, although some areas, such as the research field, have greatly improved in the way they address the needs of women.  In fact, a whole industry has developed around cancer that does not seem to control the disease as much as it seeks to control the patient."

Cosmetics Companies and Breast Cancer
from Breast Cancer Action
"Many cosmetics contain chemicals known as parabens and phthalates, which recent studies indicate may be linked to cancer development."

Mammography Is Dangerous Besides Ineffective
by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.

Mammograms Cause Breast Cancer (and other cancer facts you probably never knew)
by Dawn Prate
"Despite continuous improvements and innovations, mammography has garnered a sizable opposition in the medical community because of an error rate that is still high and the amount of harmful radiation used in the procedure."

Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer: Should You Try This at Home?
by Lauren John
"Given that direct-to-consumer genetic testing is an emerging field, we may not have clear answers."

Comparing Apples To Apples, Oranges To Oranges
Learning The Difference Between Relative And Absolute Risk
by Alan Cassels
"Another way to describe this is that 2 out of 100 will benefit from the drug; 98 won't."
"Perhaps most importantly, letrozole was not shown to increase overall survival in a statistically significant way."

Sorting Out Pills to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
by Denise Grady
"The concern is that many women would have to take tamoxifen or raloxifene for a few to benefit. In 1,000 high-risk women like those in the study, for instance, without treatment 40 would be expected to develop invasive breast cancer over the next five years.  If all 1,000 were treated, only 20 cases would occur.

But since there is no way to predict who will actually get cancer, everyone has to be treated, meaning that 980 will be exposed to the drug's risks but will get no cancer benefit."

Abortion Not Linked to Breast Cancer
"The data from the NHSII provide further evidence of a lack of an important overall association between induced or spontaneous abortions and risk of breast cancer."


Lester Mouscher's Story

My Breast Biopsy: Wire Localization and Patient Empowerment
by Karma Jessen
"The head of radiology encouraged me to stay true to myself - keep looking until I found a facility that would accommodate my needs."

Ann Lory Pawelski's Story
By Gregory D. Pawelski, husband
"I believe Ann's life was greatly shortened and neurologically deteriorated by the chemo and radiation treatment received."

How "Modern Medicine" Killed My Brother
by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
A story of misdiagnosis, arrogance and ignorance.

Cancer Patients, Lost in a Maze of Uneven Care
by Denise Grady
"The first doctor gave her six months to live.  The second and third said chemotherapy would buy more time, but surgery would not.  A fourth offered to operate."

Doing Battle With the Insurance Company in a Fight to Stay Alive
by Denise Grady
"A glorious blend of forces came together to save Gordon Hendrickson’s life: smart doctoring, luck, kindness, and his own wisdom and abundant grit.

Only his insurance company tried to stand in the way."

Famous People With Cancer
Notable Breast Cancer Patients

Celebrities Who Have Died of Lung Cancer
by Lisa Fayed

Famous People with Lymphoma

Famous People Lost to Melanoma

Celebrities with Prostate Cancer

John Kerry Takes Fight Against Cancer Personally
by Bella English

Cancer Mars Lives of Some Weighing '08 Run
by Thomas Beaumont and Jane Norman

Politics of Cancer - Freedom of Choice
Freedom of Choice: Are There Limits?
Comprehensive Cancer Care 1998 Conference
Moderator: James S. Gordon, M.D.

Freedom of Choice
Comprehensive Cancer Care 1999 Conference
Moderator: Susan Haeger

Medical Nemesis 2006
by Peter Barry Chowka

Alternative Medicine and the War on Cancer: Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel?
by Peter Barry Chowka
"By choosing to work indepedently, on his own, outside of a mainstream institutional setting, Burzynski ran up against the closed mindsets and vested interests that dominate orthodox cancer research and treatment."

Medicine at Gunpoint
by Mike Adams

FDA Forces Fatal Chemo on Kids
by Kristen Philipkoski
"Few Americans are aware that their treatment options, indeed their most personal medical choices, are regulated by the government and are seriously limited if they become ill," said Peter Chowka, an investigative journalist who has reported on alternative medicine for 25 years and served as a consultant for the National Institutes of Health's Office of Alternative Medicine. "Quite simply, there is very little freedom of therapeutic choice and only a half-hearted commitment to medical pluralism in this country."

"War on Cancer": Why Does The FDA Deny Access To Alternative Cancer Treatments?
by Michael Horwin
"The FDA is charged with determining what drugs are approved for interstate commerce and under what circumstances non-approved drugs may be accessed. An examination of the FDA’s position in relation to cancer sufferers, especially children, will reveal that this agency has consistently and steadfastly come between patients and the non-FDA approved treatments recommended by the patient’s medical doctor."

Cancer, Politics And ‘Family Values’
by Jane Whitney
"Gardasil is the first vaccine that appears to be 100 percent effective in preventing cancer and could save countless thousands of lives."

A New Vaccine for Girls, but Should It Be Compulsory?
by Roni Rabin
"Public health officials want to vaccinate girls early, before they become sexually active, even though it is not known how long the immunity will last."

Settling with the FDA
Story of Ken Michaelis

Thomas Navarro

Parents Fight FDA to Save Son
by Lynn Burke

The Thomas Navarro Story, Part One
from The

The Thomas Navarro Story, Part Two
from The

Cancer Patient Thomas Navarro Dies at Age Six
by Peter Chowka

Abraham Cherrix

Judge Orders Teen to Cancer Treatment

The Real Abraham Cherrix Question: Does the State Own Your Body?
by Mike Adams

As Public Pressure Mounts, Judge Reverses Chemotherapy Sentence for Abraham Cherrix

The Abraham Cherrix Case – and the Hoxsey Therapy – Set for Trial
by Peter Barry Chowka

The Hoxsey Therapy: Hope or Hype?
by Peter Barry Chowka


Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments - Part 1 - The Medicine
by R. Webster Kehr (The Cancer Tutor)
This article challenges the primacy of the orthodox treatment of cancer.
Detailed.   Recommended.

Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments - Part 2 - The Politics
by R. Webster Kehr (The Cancer Tutor)
This article challenges the primacy of the orthodox treatment of cancer.
Detailed.   Recommended.

What I Would Do If Doctors Told Me That I Had Cancer
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Are the Chinese Slaying the Cancer Dragon?
by Majid Ali, M.D.
"Why is such clear evidence of reversibility of cancer ignored in drug medicine?  Largely because the notion of reversibility underscores the role of environment in the genesis and propagation of cancer.  And there are no drugs for restoring the cellular environment.  There are no drugs for normalizing the abnormal surface charge of cancer cells.  There are no drugs for relieving the excessive oxidative stress on cells.  These are clearly the domains of holistic medicine."

American Cancer Society Means Well; the Janker Clinic Means Better
by Patrick M. McGrady Jr.
"The Janker Clinic's preemptive focus is the patient. Nothing is permitted to interfere with the primary goal of prolonging the patient's productive lifespan.  The patients' cheerfulness probably can be explained by their knowledge that this is the one place in the whole world where they will be given the best available combinations of drugs, hormones, biologicals and radiation."

Effective Alternative Cancer Treatments Suppressed
by Dr. Curt Maxwell
"Successful alternative approaches to cancer are a direct financial threat to this system.  They are also a serious intellectual threat to the belief systems of conventional medicine.  If nutrition and the immune system are so crucial to health and healing and they have never addressed either, this means conventional doctors will have to 'go back to school' to catch up."

Cancer - A Biophysicist Point of View
by Marek Roland-Mieszkowski, Ph.D.
"Traditional medicine is very good in detecting and monitoring cancer, but it is very poor and ineffective in the treatment of cancer."

Hydrazine Sulfate
by Richard Walters
"Even though hydrazine sulfate is now undergoing extensive Phase III trials sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, resistance to this inexpensive, nontoxic chemotherapy in orthodox medical circles persists."

Hydrazine Sulfate
by Ralph Moss
"Give us your double-blind studies. But even when you do, we still won't believe you."

History of Hoxsey Treatment
by Patricia Ward Spain
"The cancer treatment practiced by Harry M. Hoxsey (1901-1974) is one of the longest-lived unconventional therapies of this century.  It has retained great popular appeal, despite unrelenting opposition by the medical profession; despite 40 years of biting journalistic ridicule by such skilled AMA journalists as Arthur Cramp and Morris Fishbein; despite an unceasing stream of court actions; even despite an unprecedented Public Warning Against Hoxsey Cancer Treatment which the Commissioner of the FDA ordered mounted in 46,000 US post offices and substations in 1956."

One Man, Alone: Nicholas Gonzales, M.D.
by Peter Chowka with Kathi Head, N.D.
Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest forms of the disease.  Patients treated conventionally have just 25% one-year and 10% two-year survival rates.  The average length of survival is only 5.5 months.  Says Gonzalez, "Of 11 patients followed in our trial, eight suffered stage IV disease," the most advanced form, in which the cancer has spread and is considered to be terminal.  "Nine lived one year, [of those nine] five lived two years, four lived three years and two have lived longer than four years.  In comparison, in a recent trial of the newly approved drug gemcitabine, of 126 patients with pancreatic cancer not a single patient lived longer than 19 months."

Dr. Gonzalez's Controversial Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
by Kristen Philipkoski
"A study testing a controversial pancreatic cancer treatment that uses coffee enemas should by all rights be nearly complete. But three years into it, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez has only 25 of the 90 patients he needs to complete recruitment for the trial.  His clinical trial has been stalled by economics, logistics and outright prejudice against the twice-daily enema regimen, despite a promising pilot study."

New Animal Study Confirms Effectiveness of Gonzalez Anti-Cancer Enzymes
by Peter Barry Chowka
Interview with Dr. Gonzalez

Reevaluation of Ascorbate in Cancer Treatment: Emerging Evidence, Open Minds and Serendipity
by Sebastian J Padayatty, Ph.D. and Mark Levine, M.D.
"In cancer treatment we currently do not have the luxury of jettisoning possibly effective and nontoxic treatments.  We should revisit promising avenues, without prejudice and with open minds, and conduct studies without allowing desperation to diminish scientific rigor."

Push Hard for the Answers You Require
by Denise Grady
"If there is a disagreement, the opinion of the cancer center that is more expert, which may reflect the judgment of multiple doctors, carries more weight."

Evaluating Alternative Cancer Therapies: A Provocative New Book Examines the Issues
Interview with David J. Hess, Ph.D.

Interview: The Cancer Control Society Offers Information and Answers for Cancer Patients
Interview with Frank Cousineau

Prostate Cancer Decisions Often Based on Fallacies
by Nicholas Bakalar
"Newly published research suggests that men who learn they have prostate cancer decide on a treatment quickly, base their decisions on anecdotes or inaccurate impressions, and stick with their decisions even when given scientific information that might cause them to change their minds."

Politics of Cancer - Chemotherapy and Radiation

Do Conventional Cancer Treatments Work?
"For a limited number of types of cancer, the combination of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy have sometimes made a substantial difference in the outcome of treatment."
"In many other cases, chemotherapy (or radiation therapy) is more of a gamble than a proven therapy."

A Side-By-Side Comparison of Orthodox Treatments and Alternative Treatments
by R. Webster Kehr (The Cancer Tutor)

Chemotherapy: an Interesting Choice
by Jon Barron
"Today’s chemotherapy drugs are the most toxic substances ever put deliberately into the human body.  In fact, personnel who administer these drugs take great precautions to avoid exposure."

When Shrinking Tumors Isn't Enough
by Matthew Herper
"But now doctors are finding that tumor shrinkage, on its own, isn't necessarily a good reason to use a drug, because it's entirely possible to shrink a tumor without helping the patient.  More important measures of efficacy are how long it takes for the cancer to start worsening and how long patients live.  If a drug increases survival time, its efficacy clearly outweighs any side effects."

Study Indicates Heart Damage from Some Cancer Drugs Worsens Over the Years
from Medical News Today
"All patients treated with drugs known as anthracyclines should have life-long cardiac monitoring."

What if the Cure is Also a Cause?
The Same Chemo Drugs That Save Some Cancer Patients' Lives Put Health Workers at Risk
by Jim Morris
"Beginning in the 1980s, researchers in the United States and Europe found that nurses, pharmacists, veterinarians, housekeepers and others took few precautions when preparing, administering or cleaning up the drugs.  As a result, they were routinely exposed to toxic aerosols, powders and liquids."

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Approaches to Cancer
by Michael B. Schachter, M.D.
"Most cancer research has concentrated on changes in the size of the tumor in order to determine whether or not a particular treatment is beneficial.  Thus, if a cancerous tumor shrinks by 50% or more, the treatment is believed to be effective. Unfortunately, a change in the size of the cancerous tumor has little relationship either to the survival of the patient or his/her quality of life.  This is true because the tumor consists not only of cancerous cells, but body defensive cells as well, and shrinking the tumor kills both types of cells, reducing the body’s ability to fight the cancer. The oncologist in discussing treatment options usually refers to a “response to treatment,” which means the likelihood that the tumor will shrink.  The patient generally thinks a response to treatment refers to either improved survival and/or improved quality of life, which is not necessarily the case.  Therefore, there is a communication gap between the oncologist and the patient."

Death by Doctoring
by Steven Ransom
Long article criticizing conventional cancer treatment and espousing specific alternative therapies.

Alternative Cancer Therapies
by Richard Walters
"To mainstream doctors, cancer is a localized disease, to be treated in a localized manner.  By cutting out the tumor, irradiating it, or flooding the body with toxic (and often carcinogenic) drugs, the orthodox physician hopes to destroy the tumor and thus save the patient.  But all too often, the cancer is still present and has metastasized (spread elsewhere).  The allopathic, conventional approach, for all its high-tech trappings, is based on a primitive medical philosophy: aggressively attacking an "enemy" disease.  Often, the patient is devastated in the process, while the cancer and its underlying causes remain.

In contrast, the alternative healer regards cancer as a systemic disease, one that involves the whole body.  In this view, the tumor is merely a symptom and the therapy aims to correct the root causes.  Instead of aggressively attacking the tumor, many alternative therapies focus on rebuilding the body's natural immunity and strengthening its inherent ability to destroy cancer cells.  A number of alternative therapies also include natural measures to directly attack and destroy the tumor, whether by herbs, enzymes, or other means."   Recommended

Chemo Versus Nutritional Therapies:
Is a Conflict of Interest Compromising Fair Evaluation of Alternative Cancer Treatments?
by Peter Chowka
"Because of rigid standards of clinical practice and other group-think pressures on the part of medical orthodoxy, oncologists are already predisposed to overprescribe chemotherapy, whether or not the drugs have any chance of helping a patient.  The added economic incentive - physicians' profiting handsomely from the sale of the drugs to their own patients - heightens the conflict of interest and suggests additional reasons why orthodoxy is focused almost exclusively on chemotherapy and has been disinterested in or even hostile to alternative, non-drug approaches - even to the extent of not referring patients to a legitimate, widely publicized, federally-funded study like Gonzalez'"

Drug Sales Bring Huge Profits, and Scrutiny to Cancer Doctors
by Reed Abelson
"Among cancer doctors, it is called the chemotherapy concession.  At a time when overall spending on prescription drugs is soaring, cancer specialists are pocketing hundreds of millions of dollars each year by selling drugs to patients - a practice that almost no other doctors follow.

The cancer specialists can make huge sums - often the majority of their practice revenue from the difference between what they pay for the drugs and what they charge insurers and government programs."

Incentives Limit Any Savings in Treating Cancer
by Alex Berenson
“In general, oncologists make money by providing chemotherapy, even when it has little chance of success.  Oncologists naturally dislike telling cancer patients that they have exhausted all available treatments.  Ending chemotherapy, after all, means acknowledging that a patient’s disease has become terminal."

"Because the profits on different drugs varied enormously, doctors had an incentive to prescribe medications with the highest margins."

"As long as oncologists continue to be paid by the procedure instead of for spending time with patients, they will find ways to game the system, however much money they make or lose on prescribing drugs, he said."

Cancer Drug Representatives Spelled Out the Way to Profit
by Alex Berenson
“It’s clear that physicians stopped making decisions based on what made scientific or clinical sense in lieu of what made better business sense,” Dr. Geller said.

Cancer Doctors Are Paid to Prescribe Dubious Drugs - Part I
by Ralph Moss, Ph.D.
"Two of the world's largest drug companies, Amgen and Johnson & Johnson, have been paying hundreds of millions of dollars in incentive bonuses to doctors - including medical oncologists - who prescribe the anti-anemia drugs."

Cancer Doctors Are Paid to Prescribe Dubious Drugs - Part II
by Ralph Moss, Ph.D.
"As long as oncologists continue to derive a considerable amount of their income from drug company rebates of this kind, their clinical judgment will be suspect.  Cancer patients will have no way to know whether a particular drug is being prescribed because it is the right and proper treatment or because it lines the pockets of the doctor who gives it."

New Drug Points Up Problems in Developing Cancer Cures
by Gardiner Harris
Quoting Dr. Scott Gottlieb ... "The crux of the crisis in oncology is that for years we have developed tremendous scientific advances in looking at how cancer develops, and that's not being translated into practical solutions that are benefiting patients at the pace you would expect.  Look at what the government and all the drug companies are spending, and yet drugs are not reaching the market."

2 Lymphoma Drugs Go Unused, and Backers Cite Market Forces
by Alex Berenson
"Other, more thoroughly tested lymphoma drugs are preferred as first-line treatments.  But doctors often repeatedly prescribe such drugs even after they have lost their effectiveness — and when Bexxar and Zevalin might work better.

One reason is that cancer doctors, or oncologists, have financial incentives to use drugs other than Bexxar and Zevalin, which they are not paid to administer.  In addition, using either drug usually requires oncologists to coordinate treatment with academic hospitals, whom the doctors may view as competitors.

As a result, many doctors prescribe Bexxar and Zevalin only as a last resort, when they are unlikely to succeed because the cancer has advanced.  'Oncologists use everything in their cupboard before they refer,' Dr. Press said.  'At least half the patients who get referred to me have had at least 10 courses of treatment.'"

Cell Culture Drug Resistance Testing / Chemo-Sensitivity Tests
by Gregory D. Pawelski
"There have been over 40 publications in peer-reviewed medical literature showing correlations between cell-death assay test results and the results of clinical chemotherapy in more than 2,000 patients.  In every single study, patients treated with drugs active in the assays had a higher response rate than the entire group of patients as a whole.  In every single study, patients treated with drugs inactive in the assays had lower response rates than the entire group of patients.  In every single study, patients treated with active drugs were much more likely to respond than patients treated with inactive drugs, with assay-active drugs being 7 to 9 times more likely to work than assay-inactive drugs.  A large number of peer-review publications also reported that patients treated with assay-tested "active" drugs enjoyed significantly longer survival of cancer than patients with assay-tested "negative" drugs."

Essays by Ralph Moss, Ph.D.

Who Is Dr. Ralph Moss?
from The Annie Appleseed Project
"What lessons have I drawn from my 28 years as a science writer?  Once we start to shape our writing about science to accommodate the wishes of doctors, patients or institutions, rather than the facts, we are sure to end badly.  We must always speak to cancer patients with a finely balanced mixture of compassion and honesty.  Finally, we must always demand a fair evaluation of all treatments, conventional and alternative.  Only on a level playing field can the true value of any cancer therapy be determined."

Questioning Chemotherapy: A Personal Statement
"A sweeping reform of the 'war on cancer' is needed, with new leadership focused on prevention, non-invasive forms of early diagnosis, and the exploration of non-toxic and substantially less toxic treatments."

Why We're Losing the War on Cancer
"... there are many other treatments that are potentially valuable, yet are being systematically ignored.  And they will continue to be ignored until the public, Congress and scientific community wake up to the fact that the most powerful force driving cancer research is Big Pharma's need for a hefty bottom line and a quick return on its investments."

War on Cancer: Intravenous Vitamin C
from The Townsend Letter
"I am often asked whether or not vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is also an effective way of fighting cancer.  I answer that while there is a growing body of scientific evidence to suggest that vitamin C is useful in the prevention of cancer, the jury is still out on its effectiveness as a cancer treatment.  However, its low cost and astonishing lack of toxicity make it an extremely attractive candidate for further testing."

War on Cancer: ASCO Meeting
from The Townsend Letter
"You would think that in the face of this conspicuous lack of success the oncology profession would be eager to reach out for new ideas and concepts. And, as I have shown throughout my career, there are abundant new ideas in the world of CAM.  But instead of welcoming CAM, they react to it as if it were a competitive challenge rather than an opportunity."

The Persecution Of Burzynski

The Burzynski Saga
The Persecution Of Burzynski

Playing With Numbers

"Together, this combination of overdiagnosis of pseudo-disease and underdiagnosis of occult (hidden) cancer makes any statistic on the absolute number of genuine cancer deaths very much a matter for debate.  And correspondingly, since death rates are calculated on the assumption that incidence and prevalence figures are a genuine measure of the amount of cancer in a population, the figures for death rates are equally debatable.  As Welch and Black have pointed out, the use of 'cancer-specific death rates' as the measure of treatment effectiveness in clinical studies obscures the very real possibility that deaths from treatment itself are being systematically overlooked in the statistical calculations."

Aussie Oncologists Criticize Chemotherapy - Part One
"Their meticulous study was based on an analysis of the results of all the randomized, controlled clinical trials (RCTs) performed in Australia and the US that reported a statistically significant increase in 5-year survival due to the use of chemotherapy in adult malignancies."

"Wherever data were uncertain, the authors deliberately erred on the side of over-estimating the benefit of chemotherapy.  Even so, the study concluded that overall, chemotherapy contributes just over 2 percent to improved survival in cancer patients."

"Yet despite the mounting evidence of chemotherapy's lack of effectiveness in prolonging survival, oncologists continue to present chemotherapy as a rational and promising approach to cancer treatment."

Aussie Oncologists Criticize Chemotherapy - Part Two
"To their credit, the Australian authors of the study on the effectiveness of chemotherapy address the issue of relative versus absolute risk.  They suggest that the apparent gulf between the public perception of chemotherapy's effectiveness and its actual mediocre track record can largely be attributed to the tendency of both the media and the medical profession to express efficacy in terms of relative rather than absolute risk."


Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure
"Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure inspires new hope for a cure by using a results-driven business model to bring more treatments to patients, stimulate research & development and otherwise support the accelerated development of new therapies for brain cancer."

Alternative Cancer Therapies from Wellness Directory of Minnesota
Brief descriptions of many alternative cancer treatments

American Association For Health Freedom
"The political voice for health care practitioners who use nutritional and other complementary therapies in patient care."

Breast Cancer Action
A grassroots group advocating "for true prevention through understanding and eliminating the causes of breast cancer, a true cure with treatments that don't nearly kill people or cause other diseases, and universal access to quality health care."

Canary Foundation
"Stopping Cancer Early - The Best Possible Investment"

The Cancer Control Society
Its mission: to prevent and control cancer and other diseases through Nutrition and Non-Toxic Therapies.

CancerGuides from The Center for Mind-Body Medicine

Cancer Law Center
"The Law Offices of Webb & Scarmozzino, P.A. represent cancer patients, especially children, who have been victimized by unsafe cancer therapies."
"We believe that cancer patients should not be subjected to cancer therapies that are known to be ineffective or toxic unless they are well aware of the potential risks and benefits."

Cancer Politics
from The American Cancer Society

Cancer, Politics, Ecology
by Gary Sauer-Thompson

Cancer Politics Update
from Cancer Action Now

Cancer Prevention Coalition
"Our goal is to reduce escalating cancer rates through a comprehensive strategy of outreach, public education, advocacy and public policy initiatives to establish prevention as the nation's foremost cancer policy."

CANHELP conducts research and consults a worldwide network of cancer experts.  They provide a detailed, customized report for you and your physician regarding the most effective traditional and alternative therapies.

Cancer Tutor
Includes a Tutorial and dozens of articles and links on alternative treatments. Recommended

Commission on Cancer Measures for Quality of Cancer Care for Breast and Colorectal Cancers
from the American College of Surgeons

"Commonweal conducts programs that contribute to human and ecosystem health — to a safer world for people and for all life."

FasterCures / The Center for Accelerating Medical Solutions
"Our mission is to identify and implement global solutions to accelerate the process of discovery and clinical development of new therapies for the treatment of deadly and debilitating diseases."

Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (FACT)
Free resource for cancer patients at (212) 741-2790
"A true alternative to conventional cancer therapy focuses first and foremost on the whole body in order to repair the biological breakdown responsible for producing abnormal cells.  A sound repair system takes all body functions into consideration including: nutrition plus the organs of metabolism, lymphatic drainage, glandular function, waste elimination, circulation, stress management, structural balance, etc."

Lung Cancer Alliance
"The Lung Cancer Alliance is the only national non-profit organization dedicated solely to patient support and advocacy for people living with lung cancer or those at risk for the disease."

LUNGevity Foundation
"LUNGevity Foundation was founded by seven Chicago-area lung cancer survivors to increase funding for lung cancer research."

Lynne Cohen Foundation
Mission is "supporting groundbreaking research to improve the survival rates for women with ovarian cancer."

The Moss Reports on Cancer
Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. writes detailed reports on optimal treatment for nearly every cancer diagnosis and situation. Many people have found these reports to be an extremely helpful way of rapidly gaining knowledge in a difficult field.

National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)
The NCCN is an alliance of 21 of the world’s leading cancer centers "dedicated to improving the quality and effectiveness of care provided to patients with cancer."

Our Alexander
By Raphaele and Michael Horwin, in memory of our son, Alexander Horwin
"We have created this web site to tell our son's story and to share with other parents the information we have found about pediatric brain tumors and about childhood vaccinations. This information is designed to help parents exercise informed consent and make intelligent decisions regarding their child's health, especially when their child has cancer."

Politics of Cancer
from Healing

Ralph Moss on on the 2007 American Society of Clinical Oncology Conference

Ralph Moss on Gardasil 3-4-07


Please click on the picture of the book or the title to order.

Kenny Asubel, When Healing Becomes a Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and the Return of Alternative Therapies

Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., The Politics of Cancer Revisited

Breast Cancer : Poisons, Profits, and Prevention Liane Clorfene-Casten, Breast Cancer: Poisons, Profits, and Prevention.

David J. Hess, Editor, Evaluating Alternative Cancer Therapies: A Guide to the Science and Politics of an Emerging Medical Field

Ralph Moss, Ph.D., The Cancer Industry : The Classic Expose on the Cancer Establishment

Ralph Moss, Ph.D., Questioning Chemotherapy


Richard Walters, Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book

Barron H. Lerner, M.D., Breast Cancer Wars: Hope, Fear, and the Pursuit of a Cure in Twentieth-Century America

Michael Gearin-Tosh, Options: Living Proof: A Medical Mutiny

Ben Williams, Ph.D., Surviving "Terminal" Cancer: Clinical Trials, Drug Cocktails, and Other Treatments Your Oncologist Won't Tell You About

H. Gilbert Welch, M.D., Should I Be Tested for Cancer?: Maybe Not and Here's Why

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